Stream T is the revolutionary contactless GPR system for tunnel inspection. Discover the advanced solution for measurement of tunnel lining thickness, mapping of reinforcing, detection of cavities and location of wet areas.

Easy underground mapping in rugged terrains with Stream DP

An extensive mapping performance for a safe view of the underground in proximity to railways

GPR technology is key to perform successful maintenance and inspection activities on railway infrastructures, more and more GPR systems have gained the spotlight as a crucial tool capable of ensuring the safety and integrity of rail networks. To understand the added value that GPR solutions can bring to on-field operations, this surveying project curated by Boviar - an Italian company specializing in the distribution of diagnostic and monitoring systems for civil engineering, geotechnics, and geology - truly is a fitting example. The project involved the collection and analysis of data using the Stream DP GPR system and IQMaps post-processing software for a third-party company in the Italian rail transport industry.

The proximity to railway areas often introduces new challenges to surveying as the presence of difficult-to-access terrains usually adds on to uneven surfaces characterized by dense vegetation making investigation of the underground difficult and demanding. These environments require lightweight, robust and maneuverable equipment capable of operating effectively in harsh conditions. Besides this, GPR technology’s ability to investigate the subsurface in an accurate and non-invasive
technique provides a precise mapping of the underground structures for an effortless and easy data collection, even in rugged fields alongside railway tracks.

Stream DP, accurate 3D mapping of underground.

To easily perform the mapping of the subsurface required by the project, Boviar leveraged IDS GeoRadar’s Stream DP for a seamless data collection on rugged terrains and IDS GeoRadar’s IQMaps for post-processing and analysis. Both solutions are part of the Hexagon Detection portfolio. Stream DP is an innovative GPR system providing the most accurate real-time 3D mapping of the underground. With the new patented EsT technology, it is able to provide a 40% to 60% increase in depth penetration compared to other technologies available on the market.

is the advanced post-processing software for the accurate and quick analysis of data coming from GPR systems. This software allows real time processing for advanced target management, providing a full 3D visualization of data for quick and accurate GPR data analysis.

The Survey.

To address the need of a comprehensive and clear analysis of underground infrastructures, Boviar chose Stream DP system enabling its surveyors to effectively serve their final customer’s diverse requirements. Boviar partnered with Durazzani s.r.l., an Italian company specialized in providing services for the Italian railroad operator, to execute a full investigation of the underground, overcoming the challenges of a rugged environment.

Stream DP’s system extreme accuracy in data collection combined with its high maneuverability and lightweight design - key elements for surveying rugged terrains - enabled a successful collaboration with quality data outputs of remarkable clarity and precision along the whole rail route. As a result of these combined efforts, the data quality acquired was optimal and coherent across the different environments, leading to the creation of a comprehensive and accurate underground map that consented a clear identification of utilities with a penetration depth of up to up to 3 meters.

User Configurability of Stream DP.
Stream DP is designed for versatility: Asphalt and Rugged terrains Configurability.

With an easy transportation and single-operator assemblage (less than 5 minutes), Stream DP proves to be a versatile system offering customizable configurations to fit different surveying environments. For the rugged terrain experienced in this customer story, users leveraged the use of the rugged terrain wheels adjusting the height of the antenna using the cart’s straps.

Very Fast Acquisition.
Low battery power consumption and hot swap technology for outstanding performance. 

Stream DP meets the challenge of non-stop surveying performance with low battery power consumption and hot swap technology for the power supply. Stream DP was able to provide users - within a very fast acquisition time - a complete and reliable dataset to map the underground. EsT Technology allowed for a high resolution and in depth identification of underground targets.

Stream DP main features.

  • Easy and Fast assembly
  • Advanced Maneuverability
  • Multiple Configurations
  • Outstanding Data Quality
  • Fast Acquisition

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